Patient Provider Agreement Neurology
A Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) is a system of care in which a team of health professionals work together to provide your entire healthcare needs. You, the patient, are the most important part of a patient centered medical home. When you take an active role in your health and work closely with us, you can be sure that you’re getting the care you need.
As a part of your Patient-Centered Medical Home Neighborhood, we welcome you to our Specialty Practice!
We are partnering with your Primary Care Physician (PCP) who is your Patient Centered Medical Home. We are sharing their commitment to effectively and efficiently work together to manage your care. As your Specialist, we will be sharing information about your condition and provide recommendations, guidance and periodic follow-up.

We trust you as our patient to:
- Keep your appointments as scheduled, or call and let us know when you are unable to keep your appointment.
- Make healthy decisions about your daily habits and lifestyle
- Seek the advice of your PCP before you see other physicians.
- Follow the care plan that is agreed upon-or let us know why you cannot follow the plan so we can try to help you.
- Tell us what medications you are taking.
- See your PCP for all preventive services
As your Specialist I will:
- Communicate with your Primary Care Physician (PCP) and provide timely written reports.
- Notify your PCP of no-shows, cancellations and other actions that may place your care in jeopardy.
- Notify your PCP if you are being referred to another specialist
- Remind you of tests due and inform you of your test results
- End every visit with clear instructions about expectations, treatment goals, and how I will coordinate with your PCP

Coordination of care and communication back to your PCP is my priority. Should you have other physicians managing your care please inform them that I am the specialist managing your Neurology condition and that I require communication regarding any treatment that may affect my treatment plan.
Monday and Thursday
8:00am – 7:00pm
Tuesday and Wednesday
8:00am – 4:00pm
8:00am – 2:00pm
8:00am – 12:00pm
- Should you have an AFTER HOURS issue please contact me for your Neurology condition. I will direct you with next steps
- If it is non emergent and can be treated within an Urgent Care setting I will refer you to Sterling Heights Urgent Care or an urgent care closer to your home
- Should you have an issue not pertaining to my care please contact your Primary Care Physician
- Should you need a refill on a medication that I prescribed for you please contact my office during business hours