Patient-Provider Agreement Gastroenterology

Macomb Physicians Group, PLLC — Permission to Treat a Minor

Permission to Treat a Minor without a Parent/Guardian Present

Macomb Physicians Group, PLLC, must receive permission from a minor’s parent or legal guardian before providing treatments for an injury or illness that is non-life threatening. This form gives legal permission to treat the minor in case the parent/legal guardian cannot accompany him/her to the office for treatment. If the party accompanying the minor (baby-sitter, friend, relative, etc.) does not present this information, the office will attempt to contact the parent/legal guardian to request permission to treat the minor.

Please Note:

  • A parent/legal guardian must attend a minor’s first visit at Macomb Physicians Group.
  • Minor’s may not receive immunizations without a parent or legal guardian present.
  • This “Permission to Treat a Minor” form is valid only for the dates listed below.
  • In certain circumstances, in accordance with State and Federal laws, parent/legal guardian permission may not be needed for adolescents being seen for concerns of “heightened sensitivity” such as STD testing, family planning, pregnancy, etc.

Complete this field of giving permission to an entrusted adult

(print the name of the adult into whose care, the minor has been entrusted) to arrange for and authorize routine and emergency treatment at Macomb Physicians Group, PLLC for the following dates:

(these dates indicate when this form is valid).

Complete this field of giving permission for treatment with NO ADULT PRESENT

We/I are authorizing the minor to seek and consent to treatment with no adult present.

We/I acknowledge that we are responsible for all reasonable charges in connection with the care and treatment rendered.

***A copy of the parent/legal guardian’s driver’s license must accompany this form. The insurance card and co-pay (if applicable) must be presented at the appointment in order to be seen.***

In case of Emergency, I can be reached at: